My First Month in L&D
I joined Abilitie two months ago as the new Marketing Manager. I came from the industry of health and wellness-focused CPG products. The language used in my previous marketing efforts was informal, shorthand, and buzzy. I needed my audience to feel as though I was there next to them, chatting over an almond-milk latte with every piece of content I published.
When I transitioned over to Abilitie, I was drawn to the position by the “development” aspect of the company – at the core of everything I’ve ever done professionally has been the goal of helping people reach their maximum potential – and was excited to implement lessons learned from previous positions in a new setting.
The past month has been much like drinking from a firehose, but in that short time I have become enamored with the world of L&D. While the knowledge and insight I’ve gained in the past month has been plentiful, I’ve compiled my top 5 takeaways from my first month in L&D.
The industry is all about connection
The L&D industry is about face-to-face interactions, genuine connections and conversations. Though it sounds cliche, the industry truly is founded on a close-knit yet quite expansive network of professionals. Every single person that has found themselves in the world of L&D is there because they care about empowering others to reach their highest potential. They are kind, generous, and always eager to listen and learn.
You must adopt and maintain a growth mindset
This industry slows down for no one. In order to stay afloat in the fast-paced current, you must have the ability to be autonomous, utilize critical thinking, and always be looking for new growth opportunities to stay ahead of the curve. Luckily, L&D professionals are learners by nature and so this seems to come organically to those who surround me, which in turn keeps me motivated and eager to maintain the pace.
Silos, experiential and blended learning, high-potential, collaboration…sound familiar?
The industry has its own language, and it has been an essential step towards success in my marketing strategy to familiarize myself with the industry jargon. These are what help me connect and resonate with other professionals, and understand the literature I read and the conversations I overhear and participate in. Lucky for me, at the core of Abilitie’s culture are the concepts of collaboration and support, which has made it easy for me to ask questions and quickly learn the language.
The value proposition is authentic
My job is not necessarily to convince an audience that leadership development programs are valuable – that’s a widely known and accepted fact. Rather, my job is to pass along the philosophies that serve as the foundation of the programs offered by Abilitie. With each piece of content we create, we get to demonstrate how and why our programs are so impactful in creating effective, sustainable leaders.
Training = engaging, not lecturing
What has truly fascinated (and honestly, surprised) me is that the L&D industry is willing to take risks. It leverages the concepts of mixed modalities, blended learning, and the idea that true learning comes from conversation and human-to-human connection and engagement. People learn best when the concepts they’re exposed to have real-world applications that are clear and relevant to their own lives.
My first month in L&D has been a transformative experience and I have loved every moment of it. In my short time in the industry, I have truly been blown away by each person I have met and I have become so passionate about what we’re doing not only as a company but as an industry. I feel exceptionally grateful to have gravitated towards L&D and feel I am here to stay for a long time. Thanks to the Abilitie team for the warm welcome, setting high standards, and for offering unconditional support as I acclimate to my new role.