Abilitie and Target Win Gold; Best Advance in Executive Development
The 2022 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards are given for work in Learning and Development; Talent Management; Leadership Development; Talent Acquisition; Human Resources; Sales Performance; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; and Future of Work.
We are excited to announce that this year, Abilitie won a coveted Brandon Hall Group Gold award for excellence in the Best Advance in Executive Development category in partnership with one of our esteemed clients, Target.
The program that won the award, a unique, highly impactful executive development program designed by the team at Target, features Abilitie’s Executive Challenge simulation in addition to a series of experiences including coaching, leadership support, and challenge-based learning.
“Excellence Award winners distinguish themselves through their growing understanding that all the functions of HCM are integrated and must work together to move businesses forward,” said Brandon Hall Group Chief Operating Officer Rachel Cooke, leader of the HCM Excellence Awards program.
Entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, Brandon Hall Group analysts, and executives based upon:
Fit the need
Design of the program
Overall measurable benefits
Considering the criteria, Target’s program featuring Executive Challenge rose to the top.
“Our award winners demonstrated the vision, agility, and innovation needed to excel in the unchartered hybrid work environment,” said Brandon Hall Group Chief Executive Officer Mike Cooke. “We added and revised awards categories to ensure that we not only validate best HCM practices but also solicit and recognize next practices that set a high bar for everyone.”
Congratulations to the entire Executive Development Team at Target – this recognition is a reflection of their dedication to excellence and a collaboration we could not be more proud of.
To learn more about how Abilitie can partner with your organization to support your executive and high-potential leadership development, reach out today!